Prof. Dr. Friedrich Krotz
ZeMKI, Universität Bremen

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Call for Papers

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Mediatized Gender: Gender Perspectives on Mediatized Societies

Thursday, September 22nd – Saturday, September 24th

University of Bonn/Germany

Department for Media Studies/”Alte Sternwarte”

Worldwide, people's lives and experiences have been massively influenced by the mediatization of society. Economic, social and political structures have been shaped by (new) media. Especially the digital revolution of the Web 2.0 and social media have started to frame social and interpersonal relations in private and public communication. With the increasing mobility in media communication, mediatization has started to reach even remote parts of the world.

Women in the Western world have, in most part, been actively participating in this digital revolution, whereas in developing countries they often lack access, media literacy or the support of their personal environment. But also in the Western world, mediatization is in many ways gendered – women show gendered media adoption strategies, they engage in different activities, show specific preferences in media usage and are often confronted by mediatized gender stereotypes.

Mediatization as a concept tries to grasp this development on a meta level. As media change the way we communicate, an increasing mediatization and technization comes along with changing social processes of constructing the world. However, mediatization is also a political process, in which not every social group enjoys the same rights, experiences or preferences.

There is no single “media logic” impacting everyone and everything in the same way. Different media offer various influences, which become concrete in specific ways, depending on the social field that is mediatized. Gendered mediatization thus focuses on specific contexts and media-based activities, which are reflections of societal constructions of gender.

The aim of this international conference is to discuss this ongoing mediatization of present social and cultural fields with a gender perspective.

Papers – both theoretically oriented and/or empirically grounded are invited.

Papers may focus on:

-      Women academics and careers in mediatized societies

-      Media adoption and media practices

-      Mediatized gender stereotypes

-      Gendered identities in online media

-      Gendered  media cultures

-      Global perspectives on gendered media

-      Mediatized cultural diversity

-      Gender perspectives on mediatization in developing countries


We encourage contributions on mediatization from different academic perspectives.

The conference is an international conference of the six-year DFG priority research program “Mediatized Worlds: Communication in the media and social change”. 

Please send your abstracts (not more than 400 words) by Friday, July 15, 2011 (extended deadline!). Results will be mailed to all applicants until July 31st, 2011.


Prof. Dr. Caja Thimm

University of Bonn

Institute of Linguistics, Media and Sound Studies

Department of Media Studies


Poppelsdorfer Allee 47

53115 Bonn/Germany

Phone: (+49) 0228 73 4746


Email: thimm(at)uni-bonn.de

Download Call (PDF) 


Abschied des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms 1505 "Mediatisierte Welten"
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