Priority Program 1505 Mediatized Worlds
The Priority Program 1505 "Mediatized Worlds" is funded by the DFG and combines different research projects through a global concept. The research projects are working on the issues raised thereby. Start of the priority program was 1 October 2010. While the main program is approved for six years, the individual projects will be implemented initially for two years and may be extended after two years as well as new projects will be included.
The Priority Program assumes that people's lives and experiences increasingly take place in mediatized worlds. This concept describes spheres of activity and social worlds, in which the relevant forms of social practices and cultural sense-giving have entangled themselves inseparably with the media. Mediatized worlds are concretized in public and political spheres but also in everyday life, social and gender relationships, gainful employment and consumption, social institutions and labour organizations. In the German as well as increasingly in the English and Scandinavian fields of science, the term "mediatization" describes a comprehensive development process similar to globalization and individualization, namely the increasing influence media communication has on culture and society.