Schools as Mediatized Social Organisations
Project leader: Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter
Project assistants: Arne Hendrik Schulz, Dr. Stefan Welling
Much has been expected from the diffusion of digital media in K-12 schools, but these expectations have only partly been met. This project aims at exploring the process of mediatisation in the application field of schools as social organisations. It is based on the assumption of a mutual dependency between changing media and organisational change. As a particular perspective, the main focus will not be on learning and teaching processes or the use of digital media in school administration, but on the process of mediatisation in the organisational realm of the school, relating to the communicative processes within and between staff and school management. These processes form the basis of the pedagogical work at school and are changing in the course of mediatisation. This interplay has not yet been investigated. The central research question is how digitalisation, transformation and cross-linking of traditional media as well as the differentiation of "new" digital media in schools are concretised and how the school changes as a translocal network organisation. With the concept of a translocal network organisation we put the focus on communication as the central aspect of school organisations. This process will be explored on the basis of two case studies in secondary schools by means of an innovative triangulation of qualitative and quantitative methods.
Research field: Contexts
Breiter, Andreas/ Welling, Stefan/ Schulz, Arne Hendrik (2012): Mediatisierung schulischer Organisationskulturen. In: Hepp, Andreas/ Krotz, Friedrich (Eds.): Mediatisierte Welten: Beschreibungsansätze und Forschungsfelder. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, pp. 113-135.
Breiter, Andreas/ Welling, Stefan (2011): Medienkompetenz in weiter führenden Schulen. Zentrale Ergebnisse eines Forschungsprojektes der Landesanstalt für Medien. In: Schule NRW, pp. 63-64.
Breiter, Andreas/ Welling, Stefan (2010): Integration digitaler Medien in den Schulalltag als Mehrebenenproblem. In: Eickelmann, Birgit (Ed.): Bildung und Schule auf dem Weg in die Wissensgesellschaft. Münster [u.a.]: Waxmann, pp. 13-25.
Breiter, Andreas/ Welling, Stefan/ Stolpmann, Björn Eric (2010): Medienkompetenz in der Schule. Integration von Medien in den weiterführenden Schulen in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Berlin: Vista.
Breiter, Andreas: Medienkompetenz oder Informatik-Bildung? Presentation at the 18th Sächsischer Informatiktag "Mediatisierung, Medienbildung und Informatik", 2012-03-21 in Dresden.
Breiter, Andreas/ Schulz, Arne Hendrik/ Welling, Stefan: Schule als translokale Netzwerkorganisation: Vorstellung des methodischen Designs unter Betonung der teilnehmenden Beobachtung. Presentation at the methodology workshop within the priority program "Qualitative Rezeptionsforschung, Ethnografie, Panel", 2011-07-01 until 2011-07-02 at the Leuphana University Lüneburg, held 2011-07-02.
Breiter, Andreas: Mediatized Worlds in Schools and Organizational Change. Presentation at the Département de Communication der Université de Montréa, held 2011-05-13.
Breiter, Andreas: Mediatized Worlds in Schools and Organizational Change. Presentation at the Wisconsin Center for Educational Research der University of Wisconsin-Madison einen, held 2011-05-17.
Breiter, Andreas/ Schulz, Arne Hendrik/ Welling, Stefan: Schools as Mediatised Translocal Network Organizations. Presentation at the international conference "Mediatized Worlds: Culture and Society in a Media Age", 2011-04-13 until 2011-04-15 in Bremen, held 2011-04-14.